Virtual Come & See

Theme: Mary, Our Advent Companion Meet with us virtually to learn about the Daughters of Charity, listen to how God is calling you, and reflect on our theme of Mary, Our Advent Companion. For single Catholic women ages 18-40. REGISTER NOW

Virtual Life Awareness

Join us and the San Antonio Vocation Office on this Day of Discernment.

Meeting Jesus in The Chosen

Join us as a panel of four Catholic Sisters reflect on the Gospel come alive in varies episodes of the TV series, The Chosen.

Come & Zoom x6

Join us along with other communities from the Evansville Diocese--including the Daughters of Charity, Sisters of St. Francis Oldenburg, Sisters of Providence of St. Mary’s of the Woods, Sisters of St. Benedict Ferdinand, Sisters of St. Benedict Beech Grove, and Order of Saint Clare--to learn more about religious life.

Virtual Gulf Coast’s Got Sisters

Mobile, AL, United States

Join us virtually as we visit with a variety of communities from the Mobile area to find out more about their mission, way of life and unique charism. This event includes multiple communities. This event is open to single, Catholic women ages 18-35. REGISTER NOW

Ignatian Lenten Reflections

Join us Mondays during Lent to reflect with sisters of multiple communities in the Ignatian Spirit. This event is open to single, Catholic women ages 18-45. Video capability is required.

Virtual Chicago’s Got Sisters

Join us virtually as we visit with a variety of communities from the Chicago area to find out more about their mission, way of life and unique charism. This event includes multiple communities. This event is open to single, Catholic women ages 18-40.

Meet the Sisters – West Coast

Join us virtually to meet some Daughters of Charity, learn about our lives, and ask any questions you may have about the Daughters, discernment, and more!

Consecrated Life: A Gift of the Spirit to the World

As a part of the monthly "Putting God First" series presented by the San Antonio Vocations Office, we will be discussing Consecrated Life as a gift of the Spirit to the World.