The Vincentian Family branches far and wide and includes several volunteer organizations that span from a few weeks to a full year. Explore some of these opportunities below or contact us for more personalized opportunities!
Vincentian Mission Corps
Vincentian Mission Corps is a year-long volunteer program for young adults ages 21-30. Volunteers live in community in St. Louis, Missouri and serve full-time at organizations that serve the poor and marginalized in the spirit of St. Vincent DePaul and St. Louise de Marillac.
Vincentian Lay Missionaries
Vincentian Lay Missionaries are men and women who commit to serving the poor in Kenya or Ethiopia for 4-6 weeks. They work alongside the Daughters of Charity in both countries to build schools and libraries, and provide additional educational opportunities for children, teachers, and community members.
St. Vincent de Paul Young Adult Center
St. Vincent de Paul Young Adult Center, located in Germantown in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, provides an immersion experience to groups from schools, churches, and more.
House of Charity
Sponsored by the Sisters of Charity Federation, the House of Charity provides an immersion experience in New Orleans, Louisiana.
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