Sisters & S’mores

Sacred Heart Church, Evansville 2701 W Franklin St., Evansville, IN, United States

Join us for fellowship, fun, s'mores, and a bonfire at Sacred Heart Church!

Putting God First

Join us and Sisters from other religious communities via Zoom to share faith, life, and the beauty of Consecrated Life Vocation in an atmosphere of fraternity, prayer, reflection, and dialogue. This event is open to Catholic, single women ages 18-35. Sponsored by the Archdiocese of San Antonio.

Walk with Mary

Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C., DC, United States

Join Sister Jean and other religious for Walk with Mary. We'll start at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart at 11:30 am with a procession to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. There, we'll say the rosary (beginning around 1:30), followed by Mass at 2:30.

Putting God First

Join us and Sisters from other religious communities via Zoom to share faith, life, and the beauty of Consecrated Life Vocation in an atmosphere of fraternity, prayer, reflection, and dialogue. This event is open to Catholic, single women ages 18-35. Sponsored by the Archdiocese of San Antonio.

Sisters of Charity Federation Discernment Night

Join other women discerners and vocation ministers from the Sisters of Charity Federation on Zoom to explore religious life in the spirit of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.

Life Awareness

Life Awareness is a retreat event that provides time and space for single men and women to discern a vocation to the priesthood and consecrated life. The event brings participants together with Priests, Religious Brothers and Sisters for a weekend of lectures, group discussions, private consultations and prayer to help participants develop a realistic view of[continue reading]

Putting God First

Join us and Sisters from other religious communities via Zoom to share faith, life, and the beauty of Consecrated Life Vocation in an atmosphere of fraternity, prayer, reflection, and dialogue. This event is open to Catholic, single women ages 18-35. Sponsored by the Archdiocese of San Antonio.

Putting God First

Join Sister Regina Hlavac, D.C., and Sisters from other religious communities via Zoom to share faith, life, and the beauty of Consecrated Life Vocation in an atmosphere of fraternity, prayer, reflection, and dialogue. This event is open to Catholic, single women ages 18-35. Sponsored by the Archdiocese of San Antonio.

Pray, Walk, Eat

Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C., DC, United States

Join other Young Adults & Women & Men Religious for PRAY. WALK. EAT. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: DATE & TIME Sunday, March 27 – 1 pm to approx. 7 pm EST MEET in the Crypt of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception – enter parking lot from Harewood Rd. Quiet prayer from[continue reading]

Chicago’s Got Sisters

Join us IN PERSON as we visit with a variety of communities from the Chicago area to find out more about their mission, way of life and unique charism. This event includes multiple communities. This event is open to single, Catholic women ages 18-40.

Vocation Discernment Retreat

Los Altos Hills, CA 26000 Altamont Road, Los Altos Hills, CA, United States

Join us for a chance to meet some Daughters of Charity and experience how we live. You'll have the opportunity to participate in prayer, Mass, and sharing. For more information, contact Sister Lisa Laguna, D.C. REGISTER NOW